
Acupuncture all About

Acupuncture is the art of healing the body via balancing energy and restoring harmony.

Acupuncture consists of the gentle insertion of fine, sterile, disposable needles into strategic points near the surface of the body. These points, called meridians, which are so effective in treating disease, have been mapped by the Chinese over a period of thousands of years. In Chinese Medicine Theory, “Qi” flows through a system of twelve major pathways or meridians. Each meridian is connected internally to one or more specific organs such as the lung, liver, etc. The acupuncture points along these pathways can be used to affect the corresponding internal organs. When Qi in the meridians is balanced, the result is a state of ease and well-being. Acupuncture is not painful. In fact, most people experience a profound feeling of relaxation and well being during and after an acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture works by stimulating the flow of “Qi” throughout the body. Where there is injury, the Qi or energy of the body gets stuck or becomes deficient. The painless insertion of needles helps bring the body’s attention to the area and resume the free flow of energy.

From a western medicine point of view acupuncture causes many physiological changes in the body including vasodilatation (increased blood flow), stimulation of hormones and neurotransmitters, and stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system (allowing the patient to achieve very deep relaxation). Acupuncture invokes an analgesic effect by altering the body’s own natural pain-relieving opiate system. Acupuncture works surprisingly quickly. Most patients experience a great reduction in their symptoms after the first acupuncture treatment.


What our clients say about us

One of the standout features of Sea Meadows Rehab is their team of skilled acupuncturists. Each practitioner brings a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of acupuncture's principles. From the moment you step into their serene environment, you’re met with a sense of calm and professionalism. Their personalized approach ensures that each session is tailored to your unique needs, whether you’re seeking relief from chronic pain, stress reduction, or overall wellness.

Olivia .H

The atmosphere at Sea Meadows Rehab is designed to promote relaxation and healing. The center is beautifully decorated with calming colors and soothing elements that immediately put you at ease. The treatment rooms are pristine and comfortable, creating a perfect backdrop for your acupuncture sessions. The soft music, gentle lighting, and attentive staff contribute to an experience that feels both rejuvenating and nurturing.

Julia .A

What sets Sea Meadows Rehab apart is their commitment to comprehensive care. Their acupuncturists take the time to listen to your concerns, conduct thorough assessments, and explain the treatment process in detail. This compassionate approach not only addresses your immediate symptoms but also helps uncover and treat underlying issues. They offer valuable advice on lifestyle adjustments and complementary therapies, enhancing the effectiveness of your acupuncture treatments.

Roberto G

Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain, digestive issues, or just seeking a boost to your overall well-being, Sea Meadows Rehab delivers impressive results. Clients have reported significant improvements in their conditions, often noting a reduction in pain, increased energy levels, and a greater sense of balance in their lives. Their holistic approach aims not just to alleviate symptoms but to promote long-term health and vitality.

Maria .L

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